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Basma Teeth Whitening Pens - 6 Months of Whitening Basma Teeth Whitening Pens - 6 Months of Whitening
Basma Teeth Whitening Pens - 6 Months of Whitening
Basma Teeth Whitening Pens - 6 Months of Whitening

Basma Teeth Whitening Pens - 6 Months of Whitening


Light up your smile with our enamel-safe and fast-absorbing whitening pens. 

  • Contains 1ml of whitening gel
  • Designed for a 10-day supply
  • Includes 6% hydrogen peroxide

(Per 1 whitening pen)

Get a 6-month supply of whitening pens. (2 pens)

Light up your smile with our enamel-safe and fast-absorbing whitening pens. 

  • Contains 1ml of whitening gel
  • Designed for a 10-day supply
  • Includes 6% hydrogen peroxide

(Per 1 whitening pen)

Get a 6-month supply of whitening pens. (2 pens)

1. Brush your teeth first to help the whitening gel get absorbed better.
2. Grab a whitening pen and slowly twist the bottom to squeeze out some gel. Coat your front teeth with it using a circular motion. Keep twisting and brushing until all your front teeth are covered.
3. When done, place the LED accelerator light in your mouth by placing your lips over it. Plug it first to your smartphone to power it on.
4. After 20 minutes, spit out the excess whitening foam and unplug the LED light from your phone.
5. Do not eat, drink, or rinse your mouth for 20 minutes after you’re done; the whitening agent will keep being absorbed by your teeth.

  • Enamel-safe whitening pens, each designed for a 10-day supply
  • Whitening gel with 6% hydrogen peroxide
  • 16-LED and smartphone-powered accelerator light
  • Android and iPhone compatible
  • High quality brush applicator
  • Fast absorbing gel


Couldn't be happier with the results! After only 6 days, I could see a big difference in my teeth. Recommend it, it's easy to use and the box is nicely designed. Thank you Basma!

Nouf H.

| Riyadh

I loved that you can charge the whitening tray with your phone! Satisfied with the outcome - my teeth are actually whiter and I'm not self-conscious about how they look like anymore. Fun and easy process.

Ahmed M.

| Abu Dhabi

Between wanting to whiten my teeth and working from home, I needed something practical and on-the-spot. The whitening kit I got from Basma helped me save time and make my daily work more interesting! In less than 10 days you will see great results! Recommended, and great quality.

Tarek R.

| Jeddah

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